Does A Walking Lunch Really Make A Difference? #WHWalkingLunch

Main blog 3That’s it. Today marks the end of my Westfield Walking Lunch Campaign.

To be honest with ya, the month has FLOWN in. It doesn’t feel like 4 weeks ago that I was telling you about my new status.

Walking champion status.

And I can proudly say that I have earnt that title over the past month. Not only have I continued my daily walks with the pooches – but I have extended my walking time by making sure I get my legs moving during my lunch break. Dragging myself away from the computer and into the fresh air!

But does a walking lunch make a difference?

Yes. For me anyway – it most certainly does.

A 20-minute stroll may not be enough to see your fitness levels peak and your dress size rapidly decline – but it is a way to take a short amount of time back for yourself. And in doing so, reclaim some focus. That focus could be anything from refreshing your mind before knuckling down to some intensive computer work, to taking a step back from an intensive situation and regrouping. It is time to yourself that you may not otherwise have. Time to connect with nature. Time to lose yourself.

I have found that taking as little as 20-minutes to myself – disconnected from social media and the rest of the world – to indulge in some alone time, has not only upped my daily steps but seen an increase in both my mood and my productivity. I can leave my place of work to set off for my walk feeling frustrated and uninspired, to find I return with a fresh viewpoint and a renewed interest in the job in hand. I’m also pretty positive it has made me a better colleague too, with my afternoon slumps being less noticeable or stroppy! But I can’t vouch for that one! In turn – being more motivated and productive at work has left me feeling happier at the end of a long day, feeling accomplished after achieving a good days work. Making for a happier more relaxed evening…. it’s a win, win situation really ♥

They say it takes 28 days to make a habit – so consider it done! A walking lunch will be a constant part of my working day from here on in.

This is a sponsored post but that does not mean I am not 100% behind Westfield Health’s Walking Lunch Campaign. By getting up and walking a bit more than usual each day – particularly on your lunch break – you can reap the benefits both mentally and physically.


